Yay! Mesa Verde is open to visitors!
The Park began a phased reopening on May 24th, working with federal, state, and local public health authorities to closely monitor access to all parks service wide. The facilities open to the public now at Mesa Verde are: the main park road and all overlooks including Montezuma Overlook, Park Point, and Geologic Overlook, Far View Terrace Café and Gift Shop, Far View Archeological sites, Mesa Top Loop Drive (including all stops and overlooks), Cliff Palace/Balcony House Loop Drive, Spruce Tree House overlooks, all hiking trails, Chapin Mesa picnic area, Spruce Tree Terrace Café and gift shop, and all restrooms. A virtual ranger station will be available in the outdoor area of the Visitor and Research Center, near the park entrance. Unfortunately, cliff dwelling tours are still cancelled until further notice for the health and safety of visitors and staff. Conditions may change quickly, however, which could affect facilities and services.
Along with the re-opening of Mesa Verde National Park, comes a return of some of the shops, cafes and restaurants in downtown Mancos. Be sure to check out our spectacular galleries in the “Creative District” as well as the cafes which offer amazing food.